New Single Release
Showpony Express Ray Pratley and Samantha Bellamy have released their latest studio single "Roll on Baby"
ICMA Finalists
Showpony Express has made the finals of the 2010 ICMA Duo of the Year category and Ray Pratley has made the finals of the Instrumentalist of The Year category.
Charting songs
Showpony Express continues its success with two songs in the top 10 so far during 2019.
"The Mighty Murray River" reached No 5 in the national country charts and the instrumental "Confusion" reached No 6 in the Tasmania Country Music Charts
Tour Postponement
Due to circumstances beyond our control we sadly announce our 2019 tour has been postponed. We will be continuing our fundraising activities in the second half of 2019/ 2020.
Tour Announcement
Following the very successful "Country For Kids Tour" Show Pony Express Entertainment in association with BGS Promotions New Zealand are please to announce the 2019-2020 "Make A Wish Come True Tour". Dates and locations will be posted as they are booked.
Tour Conclusion
Country For Kids Tour 2018 has now completed. We travelled 25,000 kms and performed over 100 shows. With additional donations that were made direct to Make A Wish Australia the estimated amount raised was nearly $10,000 to assist seriously sick children with their wishes. We met some wonderful people on the road and heard some sad and happy stories from Make A Wish Recipients. We sincerely thank everyone who was involved with the tour. The venues, caravan parks and businesses that assisted us, thank you. To those that supported our shows, purchased merchandise and made donations, Thank You. Together we have helped to Make A Wish Come True for seriously sick children and the families.
Single Release
Show Pony Express Entertainment in association with Kross Kut Records, Country Radio Singles, Chasing Summer Photography and Tamworth's Big Golden Guitar are pleased to announce the official launch of Show Pony Express's new single and video "Make A Wish Come True" on Saturday July 14th at Tamworth's Big Golden Guitar 11.00am.
There will be a sausage sizzle and entertainment, sponsored by Tamworth's Big Golden Guitar and a CD and Cap give away sponsored by Thomas Foods International.
We invite members of the public, entertainment and media industry to attend this event and support Make-A-Wish Australia.
Every day in Australia six families are devastated by the news that their child has a serious or life threatening sickness. Proceeds from the sale of this single will be donated to Make-A-Wish Australia. Pre-Orders and radio release will commence 18/06/2018.
We sincerely thank Kross Kut Records (Lindsay and Reegan Waddington) , Country Radio Singles (Stephen Brady) and Chasing Summer Photography (Antony Hands) for their assistance in producing and releasing this single and video. We also thank Tamworth's Big Golden Guitar, Thomas Foods International and Office Works for sponsoring this event.
TSA Award Winners
Samantha along with David Carter, Merelyn Carter, John Collins, Mary Harrison, Robyn Hull and Shirley Lyn have won the TSA Songwriters Salute Award for their song "Life's About The Little Things".
It won Contemporary Country Ballard of The Year and Country Song of The Year.
Latest Album News
After a hugely successful Tamworth Festival Samantha and Ray are back in the studio recording there latest album. The album will include 14 tracks. A blend of originals, vocals, instrumentals and a few covers.
Brumby Award Winners
Samantha Bellamy has won the 2017 Brumby Award for "Female Vocalist of The Year"
Ray Pratley has won the 2017 Brumby Award for "Instrumentalist of The Year"
Ray Pratley and Samantha Bellamy are finalists in the 2017 Gold Medallion Media Awards for "National Collaboration of The Year"
Ray Pratley has won the Brumby award for Instrumental of the Year 2016
Ray Pratley has made the finals in the Gidgee Coal Awards and the Bungendore awards for his self penned instrumental Rabbit Flats
Sam Bellamy and Ray Pratley are finalists in the Gold Medallion Media awards in the National Collaboration section.
Ray Pratley is a finalist in the NSW Musician of the Year Section
Sam and Ray